Folks: Why don’t you use Debian.
Also folks: Why not xfce?
Me: Trying Debian out for the first time in a VM with xfce… *enters password as instructed*… *presses tab*… Oh! Oh…
(There are few absolutes in design but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this is the absolute worst way you can design a simple sign-in form.)
@aral @devinprater Oh, I don't know; the sign in UI in the latest GNONE might be even worse. If you rely on #accessibility tools like Orca, you're also likely to get "panel panel panel" as you navigate rather than any useful information. Linux on the desktop is a major shit show right now.
@sclower Yes, GNOME unfortunately has not practiced accessibility as design in the past. Here’s hoping that changes. (I‘m seeing some positive indications that it is.)