@nellie_m @aral @mastodonmigration @aurynn a) is wrong. It’s optional but default for people not already in and their attempt to simplify onboarding and get people started right away.
b) ignores that their biggest contributor is Mozilla. The people behind Firefox and the last bastion of the web before it all succumbs to Google.
@del (a) Please see https://mastodon.ar.al/@aral/109942327735380135
(b) Mozilla is funded by ~$500,000,000 every year from Google. It is, as their head of public policy once told me when we were both speaking at the conference of data protection officers in the EU, “just another Silicon Valley tech company… why are you holding us to such a higher standard?” (For additional irony, a lawyer from Facebook also had a keynote. For yet more irony, his last place of work was CNIL.)
@nellie_m@home.social @mastodonmigration @aurynn
@aral @nellie_m @mastodonmigration @aurynn Oh. I didn’t know that about Mozilla.
@del Not your fault for assuming they are what they should be – what they say they are – as opposed what they really are.
@nellie_m@home.social @mastodonmigration @aurynn