I read again and again that there's leftists oder leftist groups or even feminists that condone #Hamas and their massacre.
I don't doubt that happens and I find it appalling. I don't know who they are, no one near me shares that view, but I would very much like to know who does - so I can avoid them in future.
If you know, please share and add a source, plz.
I've seen various BLM, anti-racism and anti-colonialism activists in the US condoning Hamas. I was following some but that was hard to read.. would have to dig out names.
Don't know if you would call them "left" in a German context though. My experience in UK was that "left" can mean very different things, especially around racism and attitudes to violence.
Does it make sense to ask about "leftists" with a global meaning?
@StephanMatthiesen @anneroth No, Stephan, opposing the genocide of Palestinians is not the same as condoning Hamas and you’re doing a disservice to humanity by conflating the two.
I unequivocally condemn the savagery of Hamas. I also unequivocally condemn the savagery of Israel. I condemn the slaughter of civilians regardless of who is doing the slaughtering. And I fully stand by Timnit’s statement (thanks for bringing it to my attention so I could boost it.)