@jalefkowit Because those of us building them (see https://ar.al/2024/03/08/streaming-html/, etc.) are struggling to survive because our work isn’t valued/funded. Because we have to beg for scraps for the privilege of doing the right thing while the folks fucking things up get money shoveled at them. (1/3)
And because what we do isn’t even seen as successful unless it increments the number in a bank account somewhere because that’s the only criterion the system we inhabit understands, intellectually constipated and devoid of imagination as it is. (2/3)
Would I recommend a young person follow in my footsteps unless we fundamentally change how folks working for the common good are valued? Heck no. Go work for Google! Work for Facebook! If you can stomach that shit, do it! Don’t be a fool and struggle to build things for the common good in a system that has no notion of what that is or why it’s valuable.
My problem is I can’t stomach it. And so the struggle continues… (3/3)
@aral: I hope you’ll find the way out of it. Go for it, don’t give up, no matter how the system is unfair, or how bad is your financial situation.
I am writing this as a (very niche) search engine lead developer, not getting income from donations, no grants from e.g. NGI acquired, nothing. Because I care about community way much more than money.
@slavistapl Thanks (and ditto). And don’t worry, I don’t know how to do anything else but to keep going. The alternative is unthinkable. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let this stupid system exist without at least creating a viable alternative to it.
@slavistapl (And the sad thing is, that’s why I’m building Domain – https://codeberg.org/domain/app – so it can be sustainable under the current bullshit system. Because, barring proper investment from the commons – which we don’t have https://ar.al/2019/11/29/the-future-of-internet-regulation-at-the-european-parliament/ – the things we build must be simultaneously “successful” in this current shitshow as well as the better future we want to bring about.)
@aral: for some reason one of your replies did not federated here, but be assured I’ve read both posts. Nevertheless I agree with your POV and we can only be hopeful that both your projects, and my search engine will influence the change for better.