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one honk maybe more

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 19:32 +0000
in reply to: https://mas.to/users/ncrav/statuses/109586103666635958

@ncrav Not an expert of GDPR with regards to storage, but worth nothing that nothing is stored. All the posts that are sent to it are based on the rules of ActivityPub itself. It has the ability to request a follow, and then posts that come in are displayed for a period of time.

Note nothing is ever stored. It exists only so long as the server has not restarted, or while nothing new comes in. Totally ephemeral.

This only respects the rules of ActivityPub that are listed as must, but I have code to implement some of the should as well.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 19:54 +0000
in reply to: https://elekk.xyz/users/wigglytuffitout/statuses/109587229787449347

@wigglytuffitout Thank you for your comment. I should remind you that when communicating on the internet you are dealing with real people.

As such saying things such as “go ask for a refund of your degree” is likely to only make others angry. This is not a constructive thing to do. Also I am not a “tech-bro” which I assume you threw in as an insult and will treat it as such.

Reminder, that what I did was implement something literally anyone with a few months programming experience could do. Technically not that difficult. It does however potentially raise some serious issues in the space. I may have been the first to do so but I doubt I would be the last.

Perhaps it’s better to find out now and solve the issue while everything isn’t yet creaking under the weight of mass adoption.

Have a good day.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 20:02 +0000
in reply to: https://miau.jeder.pl/notes/99a7cq211p

@jeder So just because another technical solution exists we shouldnt have more?

BTW thats just an example use case I thought about. Having a public instance you can post content at is fairly useful for those writing their own implementations too.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 20:03 +0000
in reply to: https://mastodon.bentasker.co.uk/users/ben/statuses/109587372288209072

@ben I was fully expecting pushback. However I had hoped people would be more interesting in solving the core problem.

Anyone can do something like this. It’s actually fairly easy. Nobody is proposing solutions other than shut it down. I just happen to be responding and reading the feedback. I don’t know if the next person to do it will.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 20:08 +0000
in reply to: https://miau.jeder.pl/notes/99a81keq1q

@jeder What I did was implement the bare minimum required to get posts.

Then make it such that there was no rate limit on the number of accounts.

There is now additional republishing beyond what any other federated server does.

boyter bonked 27 Dec 2022 20:09 +0000
original: cloy@techhub.social

@boyter and yes - a storm is coming, we have given companies like cambridge analytica all the keys to the castle on an honor system yet are bitching about privacy when anyone points that out publicly.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 21:48 +0000
in reply to: https://mas.to/users/ncrav/statuses/109587495403717362

@ncrav Except that there are no proxy accounts? They are all legit fediverse accounts. Otherwise they would not be able to subscribe and get your posts.

The only difference is that they didn't need a human to sign up to create them and they are all public.

They 100% follow the required specifications for ActivityPub.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 21:53 +0000
in reply to: https://mastodon.sdf.org/users/FinchHaven/statuses/109587760409058341

@FinchHaven Much the same.

Email as you say generally is not one to many, except if you add more into the CC/BCC. Which is pretty much what ActivityPub is, except people opt into your CC/BCC by choice.

All this is doing is requesting you to send your updates, again though the approved protocol ActivityPub.

If I took a mastodon instance, and removed all login requirements we would have the same situation. The difference is that I just reimplemented against the spec.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 21:59 +0000
in reply to: https://social.coletivos.org/users/maryjane/statuses/109587764736336190

@maryjane I guess the point is, whats stopping someone from being @maryjane or some other instance? Are you going to claim that handles are special? They were on twitter and other single sites? When it comes to fediverse its the combination that provides uniqueness.

I don't think anyone is going to be able to claim a name is theirs when someone claims another on another site.

You totally can have have your own infrastructure. That's the point of it all. If someone does something you don't like within the rules though, then don't federate with them perhaps?

Accounts, don't actually do anything. They aren't bot's persay, more an existing inbox that anyone can message at. For example @justforexample will get this message, and you can view it here https://mastinator.com/inbox/justforexample/

But you can use any @ to send things to it.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 22:15 +0000
in reply to: https://fosstodon.org/users/MobileOak/statuses/109587925155981711

@MobileOak Every inbox exists. So @MobileOak exists and will have this post in it which you can view here https://mastinator.com/inbox/MobileOak/ because I did an @ directly at it.

I could then ask it to subscribe to you, and any update you posted would be delivered to it. This is how ActivityPub is designed.

Yes, this means you could use @boyter (which will also have this post in it now).

However the server NEVER posts. You can never get it to send a honk/toot/post to any other instance.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 23:26 +0000
in reply to: https://social.artemai.art/users/jared/statuses/109588180777252003

@jared Sure more than happy to. Also happy respond over any other medium you prefer if this proves problematic.

I have been working with ActivityPub for a while as I wanted to create my own server to meet my needs. I found that sending posts was an exercise in frustration as I didn't want to send spam to real instances while working on it.

As such I implemented the minimum subset of ActivityPub the "must" portion to support allowing the sending of a Create event. This would allow me to test my implementations. Once catch of course being it actually needs to be live.

I could host it, and allow anyone to @ at any address allowing real tests.

I then realised I could add a follow event and use to to consume posts from different people without needing to have an account somewhere. So fully anonymous. This is a similar idea to disposable email, hence the name being close to mailinator, the first disposable email website.

With that done I posted it. and added a few accounts to follow to observe how it behaved in production, and then the show started.

A few things to stress.

1. It only follows what the ActivityPub spec defines as must.
2. It took a few evenings to implement, so literally anyone could do this, the catch is I was public about it and interacting with the feedback (even if it was very hostile).
3. It can never send a message.
4. It only works in a similar manner to the federated timeline on any Mastodon server.

I have never had any evil intentions with this. It started as me wanting to build my own implementation, and then turned into a quick hack to allow everyone to do it.

Let me know if you want more details, or have further questions etc... Always happy to respond.

boyter honked back 27 Dec 2022 23:33 +0000
in reply to: https://social.artemai.art/users/jared/statuses/109588240034702251

@jared Neat. Will subscribe and check it out.

Oh one other thing that occurs to me. I think that there is a lack of understanding as to how the fediverse works. Some of the replies I have gotten seem to indicate this.

I suspect people are using Mastodon/ActivityPub when they should actually be using their own invite only forum. Either that or block federation with everything, or create their own special allowlists and have their own federation.

boyter honked back 29 Dec 2022 10:53 +0000
in reply to: https://poliverso.org/objects/0477a01e-8163-ad6f-dc79-cca065158480

@piratepost sorry but your understanding is totally false. It never reaches out to consume or scrape data from any instance or website.

It only operates within the rules of ActivityPub, and indeed the federated network itself. It makes a signed follow request, and if the instance accepts it then data is sent.

That data is only ever sent if the poster ops into doing so, which I might add is in their own control, and if their instance allows it, which the instance admin is in control of. Both of those might be the same person in some cases.

How do you think people, on other instances get your posts?

boyter honked back 29 Dec 2022 18:43 +0000
in reply to: https://mamot.fr/users/devnull/statuses/109597005605120578

@devnull Except nothing is copied. Every inbox exists. If someone were to generate every name in the world and put it online would you consider that a violation?

Remember nothing is copied from anyone. It only shows what was sent to it.

Note its not processing any PII unless someone volunteers it by allowing federation and posting it. Probably an issue, but then again that same issue applies to any other federated instances and the same where the post was created.

boyter honked back 29 Dec 2022 18:54 +0000
in reply to: https://techhub.social/users/cloy/statuses/109597766494563778

@cloy Yep totally aware. I never had any intention to scrape anything. If I were doing that I wouldn’t have even bothered to deal with the stupidly chatty way ActivityPub works.

Hit finger, to get user, to post, to get a reply… So many requests. It’s almost as bad as SMTP. Hello -> Hello, Mail’s to Bob -> OK, Mail’s from Jane -> OK…

boyter honked back 29 Dec 2022 18:56 +0000
in reply to: https://techhub.social/users/cloy/statuses/109597795926093364

@cloy I would be surprised if its not already happening. A lot of larger companies now have a “mastodon” plan in the works.

Wanting/demanding a search that works across all instances is going to be a requirement for them, and someone is going to fill it.

If this needs to be controlled it needs to happen now, either by disabling these feeds, teaching people about how the fediverse works, or moving to a allow-list only fediverse for those who really want things private.

boyter honked back 29 Dec 2022 23:39 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109599556271523191

@clov I guess you cannot. I have no control over what you believe. You can however chose to judge based on actions. I will list some below.

I have done active outreach to high profile people discussing this.

I have responded to every request (I think) I have gotten with what was done and why I did it. Without restoring to personal attacks, aggression or hostility even when that was presented to me.

I have modified the service in response to shortcomings that were identified.

I have reached out to find out how to implement better protections.

I have also made suggestions on problems that exist within the current implementations, along with suggestions on how to resolve them.

I continue to ask how things could be improved, discussing and assisting where possible.

I also point out, that were I wanting to be evil I could have done none of the above, ignored everything and started implementing the work around.

I have also been the first to suggest just blocking it if you have a problem with it.

None of the above in my opinion are the actions of someone dishonorable.

boyter honked back 29 Dec 2022 23:44 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109599607340689750

@clov I don't believe that it does. If you allow your posts to be federated, then once they leave your server you no longer have control over them.

If you want privacy, don't use a federated service, disable the federation or use an allow list of instances to federate with.

Possibly consider matrix as well which offers much better privacy controls.

boyter honked back 29 Dec 2022 23:47 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109599622826448613

@clov I don't believe that it does. If you allow your posts to be federated, then once they leave your server you no longer have control over them.

If you want privacy, don't use a federated service, disable the federation or use an allow list of instances to federate with.

Possibly consider matrix as well which offers much better privacy controls.

boyter honked back 29 Dec 2022 23:51 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109599639379343758

@clov I have answered several times.

I 100% care about privacy. If you also care about privacy, don't post your content publicly. Especially using a platform that broadcasts it.

Included below again.

I don't believe that it does. If you allow your posts to be federated, then once they leave your server you no longer have control over them.

If you want privacy, don't use a federated service, disable the federation or use an allow list of instances to federate with.

Possibly consider matrix as well which offers much better privacy controls.

boyter honked back 30 Dec 2022 00:54 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109599868920817964

@clov So if they pick an inbox, and submit it to be followed the following happens.

1. The handle is checked to ensure its of a valid form.
2. If it looks valid it is enqueued to be processed. This can fail if the queue is full, in which case the user is told to try again later.
3. On a schedule the oldest item on the queue is pulled, and checked to see if the inbox that is requesting it contains anything that might be used to abuse someone. If it fails this test the message id discarded. No notification is sent to the front end for this by design to prevent people knowing that this happened, although the name is logged to ensure it was not a false positive match.
4. If the previous step passes, a webfinger request is made against the server to obtain the users details. It then queries again to get their inbox, and lastly posts a follow request to the inbox, by crafting the appropiate json and signing using the private key for the inbox.
5. The message is discarded. Mastinator as mentioned is ephemeral, it does not record these follow requests.

The entire process is rate limited fairly heavily to avoid overloading any server.

boyter honked back 30 Dec 2022 01:15 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109599963810068231

@clov No. If you allow follows, and accept them that is consent.

Otherwise why would you allow such a thing inside a federated system where following people is a core part of the system. Especially when the ability to disable / block this sort of thing is in the power of the user.

Had I noticed anyone requesting if they could follow before doing it I would have implemented something similar.

boyter honked back 30 Dec 2022 01:36 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109600041217753904

@clov The only way a follow request can ever occur is if someone goes to an inbox and requests it. Of course the process after this is automated, how else could that work?

Let me explain it this way. A follow request works in 100% the same way your Mastodon instance works. Both are triggered by a user requesting it, after that its automated. In the case of mastodon probably though sidekiq jobs.

boyter honked back 30 Dec 2022 01:45 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109600079494323953

@clov The same way every other instance does, by making an agreed request "I would like to follow you". Consent is them accepting it and then posting towards it.

Every Mastodon instance notifies you about the follow, and allows you to reject it. You can also turn off automatic accepts and manually approve everything.

boyter honked back 30 Dec 2022 02:15 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109600172778678296

@clov Needs custom code, although the moment it was deployed anything gathered would be gone. Or possibly gone anyway since its all ephemeral and everything is removed as new things come in.

As I have mentioned several times, nothing is ever stored.

So technically, its not possible without actually also destroying the data you want.

boyter honked back 30 Dec 2022 03:28 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109600386067067842

@clov Mostly to test your own ActivityPub implementations. Since its fully ephemeral, and accepts anything you can even use CURL to submit things if you like. Will be more useful when I stop responding to people asking about it and add the rest of the types.


curl --location --request POST 'https://mastinator.com/u/curly/inbox' \

  • -header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  • -data-raw '{

"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
"actor": "https://mastinator.com/",
"object": {
"content": "Hello!",
"conversation": "empty",
"published": "2022-12-20T06:03:41Z",
"summary": "",
"to": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public",
"type": "Note",
"url": "https://mastinator.com/"
"published": "2022-12-20T06:03:41Z",
"to": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public",
"type": "Create"

boyter honked back 30 Dec 2022 04:03 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109600630018936666

@clov For the 3rd time it is not a "bot". It's a piece of code that implements the follow functionality that ActivityPub allows. Anyone building on ActivityPub will need to implement this functionality eventually. It is there to validate that this functionality works, both from a follow and following point of view.

boyter honked back 30 Dec 2022 05:08 +0000
in reply to: https://travelpandas.fr/users/clov/statuses/109600872020396228

@clov Obviously my opinion here. You are of course going to insist I am wrong after I post it, but then not bother to correct me.

There is an assumption that toots/posts are private and never leave their followers timelines. While this is not the case because federation causes those posts to appear on the federated timelines which are public there was a gentlemen's agreement in place when there was less people on the fediverse that this would not be made easily public.

Hence a push-back on search services as well.

People want to publicly broadcast their voice, but not have their posts viewable publicly and the only thing stopping them is etiquette.

boyter honked back 30 Dec 2022 08:58 +0000
in reply to: https://mamot.fr/users/devnull/statuses/109601742505973146

@devnull every account possible existed. Every follow that was issued was manual and approved by the person being followed.

Some were implicit and that default needs to change or you have to let people know what they are getting into.

You act like this system is private and secure and it’s anything but by default.