In case you’re wondering why Adobe turned evil overnight, they didn’t. They’ve been a major surveillance capitalist for a while now and make a chunk of their change from targeted advertising.
While maintaining Better, we documented and blocked a bunch of their trackers. Search for “adobe” on this page to see for yourself:
@aral I'm getting a TLS Error when I try to access your links on Firefox at the moment
Not sure if it's just me, but wanted to let you know.
@aral Seems to be working now
@flexsite Ah, odd. Maybe there was a hiccup in the OCSP handling. I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for it in case it happens again. Thanks again for letting me know :)
@flexsite PS. Were you/are you behind a proxy? (Just read up a bit and apparently that can cause it too.)
@aral Standard work setup for the laptop, so there is a proxy
@flexsite Ah, so that might be it. But I’ll definitely keep an eye on it and see if I can document it in case anyone else comes across it. Thanks again :)