I guess I'm a fancy public speaker now?
Invite me to a marketing conference near you and you'll get to witness my "expressive face" up close
@mariyadelano Looks like you’re right in your element; congrats :)
@mariyadelano Haha, I just want to know what the song was ;)
PS. It’s hard to find a photo of me speaking where I’m not either a blur or pulling some silly face. Welcome to the club :)
@aral it was this, obviously (start at 2:22 for my part)
@mariyadelano Wow, that was spectacularly stupid. I love it! :) And I raise you a Ylvis…
@aral @mariyadelano Pretty much every one I've seen of myself makes me look like I am drunk and/or staggering.
@PhilMoscovitch @aral so are all the really nice looking conference shots of people speaking.... photoshop? Or staged? Or wizardry?