@msbellows @mattb @CynAq@evil.social
I don’t know who you mean when you say the ‘far left’ but there are some of us out there who would never dream of being funded by a billionaire (or take VC, etc.) In fact, I don’t see how you can be left of anything if you’re funded by a billionaire.
@msbellows @mattb @CynAq@evil.social Oh, you’re talking about The Intercept, the rag that employs Greenwald? He’s not far left – again, whatever the fuck that is, I guess people who really, really want everyone to live in a fair and equitable society – he’s far right.
@msbellows It’s possible if you go far enough left you wrap around. I’ve seen it happen to a few folks.
It’s why I look at a different metric for political alignment.
The real question for me is if one’s actions are based on a choice to inflict pain on others and self or not.
No small number of alleged far left people are just as willing as the far right to inflict pain on others and self.
Helps explain the hippie to fascist pipeline rather neatly. Some opposed The Man. Others just upset they were not The Man.