I will never give a group a point in a Hackathon that deals with disasters and talks in their pitch about a "product" that you can buy and potential many costumers.
Fuck you.
Here: Forest fires.
You lost all respect from me when you consider stuff that you build for disaster as a product and not a service. Terminology matters.
You just gave the impression that you would not support poor countries w/o subscription. In a fucking disaster. You allied with Disaster for money. Money over people.
@mwfc Oh, man, I’ve been there. Was judging some EU-funded thing not too long ago. And the grifts… and I was (surprise, surprise) the only one calling them out. And then you wonder about all the ones you’re not invited to judge…
Well, I was a participant.
And given another group won in my field (rightfully) I will do our approach by grant stuff.
I just do not get why, if you have mainly students as audience, you do not promote this path more.
You had out shitty low prices (100-300 EUR per participant if you win is nothing) and only promote the get rich or die trying way?
Why not:you managed to get something nearly meaningful done in a weekend, what about good funding for a year and have it floss.Awesome world
Fun side fact:
one of the biggest issues we faced was lake depth estimation.
Must shit I found was esa work.
A base project. I looked for formulars etc, a dataset whatever.
It seems they built a service out of it. pay per use.
Thanks but no thanks.
Another nice one at the hackathon was: we all only used free data. And no, we did not do much with it. (24hrs timeframe)
Why does anyone expect that this is then worth millions?
Others get 15 EUR per hour, so why now millions?
@mwfc You’re spot on.
There is So. Much. Wrong. With. How. “Free”. Software. Is. Funded.
If you haven’t seen my talk at the EU Parliament, I touch upon that rather forcefully.