“‘This is going to be great television,’ Donald Trump remarked at the end. Sure. And the captain of the Titanic probably assured his passengers that this would make a great movie some day.
Trump has just presided over one of the greatest diplomatic disasters in modern history. Tempers flared, voices were raised and protocol was shredded in the once hallowed in the Oval Office. As Trump got into a shouting match Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a horrified Europe watched the post-second world war order crumble before its eyes.”
@aral You really can't understate how much of a disaster this was. I don't think there has ever been a meeting like that in the WH, EVER.
The editors at Journal of Foreign Affairs are all probably in cardiac arrest this afternoon.
@aral it must be emotionally exhausting being an even halfway decent American right now. Living with that terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach every day, wondering what, where, and how things will go to pieces next.
@aral This was not a shouting match! President Zelenskyy was as diplomatic as anyone could be in such a terrible situation. The shouting was coming from only one side.
@aral it was indeed great television. A clip that will be remembered for a very long time. Exactly like the Titanic movie.