Look, seriously, do not visit the US. They’re going full fascist.
The EU should be releasing travel warnings at this point.
Seriously! Why do people assume it's safe for them to travel here? I don't get it. @aral
@WeirdWriter @aral Privileged enough to think they’re exempt, I suppose.
@schrotthaufen @WeirdWriter @aral Exactly this. They are white.
As a non-white, it’s completely clear there are countries I wouldn’t travel to, and the U.S.A. has been one of them since 2 decades.
@meduz @schrotthaufen @WeirdWriter @aral
Victim blaming. Not cool.
@levampyre @meduz @schrotthaufen @WeirdWriter Won’t someone think of the puy whites.
@aral @meduz @schrotthaufen @WeirdWriter
Whatever "puy" means. But if it's just her own fault for being so stupid to travel there, why even bother!? This shouldn't be a matter of colour. Black folks know about such things happening and prepare. White folks don't. That's what we call privilege. Nevertheless, things like these shouldn't happen - not to her, nor to anyone. But they are, it's crazy and she's a victim of this madness. It's tragic and not her fault. So don't blame her for stupidity!
@levampyre @meduz @schrotthaufen @WeirdWriter Sorry, I thought you meant victim blaming as in blaming the people in the US by telling folks not to visit there. I agree, it wasn’t her fault in the slightest. But, also, there’s merit in the note on privilege. I’ve heard too many white folks tell me how much they love going on holiday in Turkey or Dubai, etc., ambivalent about the human rights abuses.
@aral @meduz @schrotthaufen @WeirdWriter
I agree that there should be more awareness of while privilege or cisgender privilege or hetero privilege or ablebodied privilege or rich privilege. But that's another fight.