At this point every other country in the world should be working together to figure out exactly how catastrophically we can fuck the United States over by banding together because the only way this malodorous playground bully is going to learn his lesson is if he gets a beating he doesn’t soon forget. Anything less and we’ll all be living under the yoke of this douchebag and his cronies before we know it.
#USA #trump #fascism #EU
@aral Also, there is no Champagne business outside France, like there is no Parmigiano Reggiano outside Italy.
@zbrando Telling that to Trump is like trying to explain particle physics to a chihuahua.
@aral bet Trump gets the tariff money without any oversights
The unfortunate part is that Trump will be insulated from any beating and it's everyday Americans, most who didn't vote for Trump, that will suffer.
Much like the casinos and businesses that Trump ran into the ground over his business life, ordinary people will lose their jobs and be hurt while Trump walks away richer than when he started leaving a mess for others to clean up.
It may be the only path forward but that doesn't make it any less unfortunate.