Oh, nice, looks like the Fosstodon instance (@fosstodon) silenced my profile.
I guess it tells you more about “FOSS”todon than anything else that they chose to block a human rights activist/privacy advocate who wakes up and works at a not-for-profit on free and open software every day. Maybe if I were to work at Google and hack on a hobby open source project in the evenings I’d be acceptable?
Edit: “silenced” not “blocked (i.e., suspended)”
@aral @fosstodon You're a contentious figure that likes to make dramatic statements. That *does* tend to rub some folk up the wrong way. Fairly or unfairly.
@fishidwardrobe @aral @fosstodon can you define "dramatic" here?
@edendestroyer @aral @fosstodon Probably not. YMMV.
I thought that "Nuance for the oppressor is the hallmark of the privileged" was pretty dramatic, and I agree strongly.
I thought the idea that programs should say 'user' not 'account' was dramatic, and I thought it was very silly. (The two words do not mean the same thing.)
"Contentious" is the better word, I think, and you should not take it to mean I always disagree – or that it's necessarily a reason to mute someone.
@fishidwardrobe * account not user (or, ideally, person, when that’s what we’re referring to) ;)
@aral @edendestroyer @fosstodon My apologies, I didn't mean to misrepresent your position. I still think it's wrong, but other opinions are possible!