Me, calling the GP’s office I applied for us to join last month: “Hi, I applied in December and haven’t heard back, I was wondering…”
Receptionist: “If you haven’t heard back, it wasn’t successful. It’s luck of the draw…”
Me: “Umm, ok, do you keep applications in queue and…”
Receptionist: “No, we don’t”
Me: “So do we just have to keep reapplying?”
Receptionist: “Yes.”
On the other hand, I could have an Apple Watch delivered to my door tomorrow if I order it now.
Yay, capitalism.
Now, as I see it, I have two options; either: (1) apply elsewhere and hope they have a better system or, (2) code a quick bot that submits a new application to them every day.
And I do like writing code, so…
on the other hand, you have to wonder what other systems they (don't) have in place that would make being a client with them a dreadful decision.
@aral whoever says you can't fix social problems with technological solutions has never dealt with bots annoying someone into doing what you want.
@aral There ought to be some law of the internet -
"Never ask a programmer to perform a task that is boring, repetitive, and amenable to automation".
Also why stop at one per day? One per second should tip the odds of getting selected in your favour...
@bencurthoys @aral programmer-move.jpg
Oh I vote for the bot! Send them a message every hour.half !!!
@aral wait you have to apply to GPs here now? I thought you just rang them up and made an appointment
@IanMoore3000 Nope, you have to be registered with them first.
@aral Hero move.
@aral this issue should not exist!!!