The kids aren’t depressed because of iPhones; they’re depressed because you told them they live in a democracy and then mired them in late-stage capitalism.
And why yes, late-stage capitalism is a euphemism for extinction-stage capitalism, thank you for asking.
You can either have rule by the people (democracy) or rule by the capital-owning class (capitalism), but not both.
(Any time you think you have both, you don’t; you have capitalism.)
@aral I don't want either. I don't want to be ruled.
@Alephwyr You and me both :)
@aral I don't think I can fully commit to anarchism because as a partial consequentialist I want to preserve optionality in pursuing critical goals. However, other people are allowed to and encouraged to injure, torture, or kill me if my excesses become unbearable.
> other people are allowed to and encouraged to injure, torture, or kill me if my excesses become unbearable
That's the underlying reality of all human societies, regardless of political-economic system. As summed up in that old saying that those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. See also David Graeber's writing about where constitutional legitimacy comes from (spoiler: the last violent revolution or coup).
> I want to preserve optionality in pursuing critical goals.
you you mean you want to keep pursuing critical goals optional, or preserve an option to pursue critical goals? and what does that have to do with anarchism?
but obviously, allowing and encouraging people to torture and murder because they find people "unbearable" isn't anarchist at all…