New Kitten release
• Improves macOS post-install instructions
• Node runtime upgraded to 22.11.0
• New well-known /
• Interpolated numbers/bare content fix in kitten.html parser.
• Now with many more tests :)
@ishotjr Yay! So happy to hear it :)
Re: markdown, does this help:
Also, here’s a more involved example, showing how to use the markdown feature programmatically (and the neat way you can run a Kitten app straight from its git repo):
@aral thanks! I tried both kitten.markdown and Markdown fragments and got 500 errors with each; I felt like maybe my
whatever ()
was tripping up the closing ` in the code or something? also it would try to evaluate whatever() as a function instead of ignoring it as text? let me know what I'm doing wrong — thanks!
@ishotjr Oh, hmm, that sounds like a bug. Would you mind opening an issue at with a basic reproduction?
(If not, no worries, consider the issue reported and I’ll do it when I’m at my computer.)
@ishotjr (It’s quite possible my latest changes to the HTML parser broke something. My tests are passing but coverage is far from perfect at the moment.)