When trying to find “European alternatives” to US products – to avoid looking like a – ensure that your “alternative” is not funded by US venture capital.
@aral I know Mozilla is funded by Google... and with their latest move, what browser do you use these days ?
@aral i'm currently considering to write an calander service like calendly in php or lisp no clue yet but this would be hosted in germany if there is any interest
@m3tti Nice. If it’s going to be open source, please choose a technology that’s easy enough for more people to understand and contribute to (so in this case, if those are your two options – I can’t believe I’m saying this – I’d go with – nope, still can’t believe it – PHP) :)
Also, I’d look at what the @Framasoft folks already have up and running :)
@pietervdvn @aral but thats no calender app afaik. Its for planing events right?
Goes beyond this. Why would "european alternatives" be or become any less fascist than others?
We need *our* own alternatives. Spend time and effort on systems under our control. Do not depend on centralised platforms, either from the usa or europe. #Autonomy #DigitalAutonomy
@zeh Couldn’t agree with you more :)
Or straight up owned by US financial industries and traded on the US stock exchange.
Still there needs to be more solutions to keep tech solutions in Europe, which have a pesky tendency to leave for the US (or punishment, as I'd wager that this move is done for profits).
@aral It seems to be easier with software. You just go FOSS and voila. US venture capital stays away from it . It takes taxpayers money to secure open source tech for the benefit of whole societes. For example EU / German taxpayers money through Sovereign Tech Fund.
@ati1 They only stay away from the “F” and only then, if the “F” uses the AGPL if it’s for networked use. So we have to be careful to state exactly what we mean by “FOSS.”. Otherwise, they’re perfectly happy to take “liberally licensed” open source (open as in “open for business”) and enclose it. Or even use GPL licensed code on servers. Don’t forget that the Big Web – and thus surveillance capitalism – mostly runs on Linux.
@aral @ati1 I broke the new corporate lawyers brain when I told him that IBM would separately package GPL-licensed code as a stand-alone thing when you buy our proprietary software. As long as we could package the GPL software separately, it was all approved as an overall product. You'd never know unless you dug into the installers and the notices.
@aral Yes I know, that's why I'd ideally go for fully "Free as in freedom" open source that leaves them no profit possibilities. It looks good on desktop (apart from video codecs I guess), but much worse in mobile solutions Like every banking app depends on iOS or Google Services enabled Android. American duopoly. No other options. I'm currently looking at Lineage OS on not-chinese-made Samsung or e/OS with Micro G on turbo expensive Fairphone 5 .... and still no mobile banking