Long-Haul #COVID: Why Some Never Fully Recover and What #Science Reveals
Long-Haul #COVID: Why Some Never Fully Recover and What #Science Reveals
After #COVID I learned about systems thinking, and it shaped my approach to thinking about the #economy. I wrote a blog post to talk about an important concept: Goal displacement, which happens when we build systems that indefinitely maximize for abstract goals like efficiency, over long time horizons.
Cinco años después de aquella decisión trascendental (el lockdown del 2020), la pandemia sigue dejando su huella en la sociedad puertorriqueña, revelando tanto fortalezas sociales como profundas debilidades sanitarias que el gobierno no atiende de manera efectiva.
Today in #Bologna we are nearly in full #covid #lockdown remembrance day: all schools are closed, so the two children are forced to stay home, the parents have both to give online university teaching, we cannot go outside, the fridge is full.
What's missing?
Even novax are replaced almost 1-to-1 with #climatechange deniers and there are conspiracies already about the climate control by illuminati.
(at the moment though: persistent rain but no floods)
Eine Ökonomie des Krieges
Ein spannender Text aus Italien aus dem Jahr 2024 zur Polykrise und wie bestimmte Entwicklungen seit der Corona-Pandemie in die Militarisierung von Staaten und Transformationen zur Kriegswirtschaft übergegangen sind.
'Kasernenausdrücke wie „Wir sind an der Front“ oder „Hommage an die Kriegshelden“ wurden endlos wiederholt, ebenso wie die Wiederkehr veralteter patriotischer Rhetorik und Nationalhymnen auf Balkonen, die angesichts der prekären Gesundheitssituation ebenfalls nur von kurzer Dauer waren. Die menschenleeren Strassen erweckten den Eindruck einer Ausgangssperre, die bis zu einem gewissen Grad die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über die Entwicklung der Pandemie und die möglichen Lösungen zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung verdunkelte. Diese Massnahmen wurden in einen Rahmen gestellt, der an die Simulation einer Kriegssituation erinnerte.
Bugger. After separate hectic weeks of work and travel, me and my love were looking forward to a weekend together. Sadly, she has just tested positive for Covid. So, after a day of prepping for four days of workshops and coaching next week, I am now having to make contingency plans in case I get it too - and heading home via the pharmacy for more masks and tests.
How about some promising Covid-vaccine-related news? It's all early on, but it's still nice to see — and maybe buried amidst all the other news.
Nasal COVID-19 vaccine based on WashU technology to enter U.S. clinical trials
Newly Discovered Antibody Protects Against All COVID-19 Variants
(Of course, who knows what will happen with any vaccine work and/or availability given this administration.)
The anniversary of my Dad's death from #covid cardiac arrest is coming up again in June. If anyone wants to support me & my family with our remembrance of my Dad & also help support us in long battle for justice from unmasked #SaanichPolice - please add me on your Signal - phoenixserenity.54
I'd like to compile a bunch of audio messages & any kind of artwork for this year's ceremony of beloved remembrance for my Dad. He died after getting infected by unmasked staff in local hospital. Unmasked cops, including the lead cop, Jason Whittaker - who is president of the SPD union abused us. I also want to compile something to let Saanich PD know - I am not fucking letting this go.
Please record:
Fuck you, Jason Whittaker & add whatever you want to rest of audio recording.
Please create Fuck You, Jason Whittaker or similar messages to #Saanich Police & tell them what you think of their antimasking egotistical loser of a 'leader' they chose to represent them.
"The act of forgetting has always been a tool of oppression. We cannot adequately resist that which has been revised, erased, or forgotten by our community members. But few will acknowledge that this is happening with COVID. Just as one may utter that “slavery was back then, get over it”, when we use verbiage like “post-pandemic” we are rendering oppression as a static past event rather than an ever-evolving present that shapes our shared future. This tactic has always been useful to those who wish to profit off of our suffering and the cycle will continue to repeat if we do not acknowledge and act on the truth of our current reality. If we do not reckon with our failures to each other around COVID and do the work to remedy it, are we better than those who try to ban our people’s histories’ from the schools? We aid in the crusade to forget every day when we do not consider the pandemic as both current and deadly."
~V. Copeland
Wow. 5 years ago today, I started my lockdown for Covid. Got up in the morning, did some groceries, and then disappeared indoors as a lot of my world came to a screeching halt.
Outbreak: #COVID-19
Facility: The Millwood
Facility Type: Retirement Home
Unit/Floor/Area: 4th Floor
Location: #Toronto #Ontario
Date: 2025-03-04
Public Health Unit: Toronto Public Health
Facility Tracking Hash: #TPHU0075
PHU Tracking Hash: #OnObTPHU
Click or follow tracking hashtags to see data for individual facilities or a specific public health unit.
@JohnJLJacobs op X schrijft:
De cijfers zijn helder. Sinds #Covid meer #Arbeidsongeschiktheid en meer #Oversterfte.
Waarschijnlijk hebben beide te maken met gevolgen van Covid, zoals #LongCovid en toename van hart- en vaatziektes door Covid.
Outbreak: #COVID-19
Facility: West Park Health Centre
Facility Type: LTC Home
Unit/Floor/Area: 2nd Floor
Location: #StCatharines #Ontario
Date: 2025-03-12
Public Health Unit: #Niagara Region Public Health Department
Facility Tracking Hash: #NRPH0056
PHU Tracking Hash: #OnObNRPH
Click or follow tracking hashtags to see data for individual facilities or a specific public health unit.
Is FLO Travel Nasal Spray better for managing covid than other nasal sprays? #Covid #CovidIsNotOver