I just noticed my ISP finally gave me an IPv6 address . Welcome to the 21th century!
I just noticed my ISP finally gave me an IPv6 address . Welcome to the 21th century!
@smartperson Anyone who is not asking about #IPv6 where new hardware or software is developed is making a mistake. There are already situations where users end up in an IPv6-only environment. If your "smart IoT device" or "revolutionary application" doesn't support IPv6, it'll break in those cases and should be considered defective!
Apparently I'm becoming the guy at work who reliably asks "What about #IPV6 ?"
Relaying from a coworker:
"Quick poll: which is the larger #IPv6 prefix? 2001:db8::/32 or 2001:db8:1234::/48? Don't discuss, don't look for an official definition, just vote by responding"
I've been using the same static #IPv6 prefix since 2016. I'm changing providers now and you won't even start to believe how tragically high the amount of effort is.
I plan to change my provider (Deutsche Telekom) AGAIN in 2027 because their latency is just too bad. (daily realtime requirements).
So what would YOU suggest me how to *rebuild* my network now as I won't accept to do this in 2 years AGAIN.
Keep in mind that my network not only consumes but also serves a lot.
Did anyone manage to get IPv6 to propagate to the vlans on a Ubiquity Cloud Gateway Ultra on Telenet Belgium? The WAN interface gets an address via dhcpv6 with prefix /57 but the vlan (internal) interfaces don’t get an address.
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@tschaefer @roland
Als Hausanschluss hat man ein #IPv6 Präfix analog einer IPv4 Adresse und hinter dieser Präfix gibt es alle Hosts. Diese Hosts bekommen mit der PrivacyExtension alle x-24h eine neue Adresse. Zusätzlich ändert sich, wie Thomas richtig sagt, in DE dieses Präfix alle 24h-180Tage.
@nitrml @roland
@tschaefer @leckse
Wenn auch von 2012 immer noch aktuell, hier mal eine Orientierungshilfe des deutschen @bfdi
#IPv6 macht es dabei nicht weniger datenschutzfreundlichen wie IPv4.
Es sind eher schlechte Implementierungen wie weiterhin EUI64 Addressgenerierung, die eine langfristiges Tracking möglich machen.
Dauerhafter Fingerabdruck im Netz:
Das Regierungsprogramm sieht vor, jedem Internetanschluss eine feste IPv6-Adresse zuzuweisen. Das bedeutet: Eine eindeutig an eine Person zugewiesene , womöglich lebenslange Identifikationsnummer für jede Online-Aktivität.
Mit VPN/Tor/Proxyserver für Kriminelle - die man laut Reg.programm so identifizieren will - aber umgehbar.
Von @roland :
The owner of ip4.me/ip6.me, Kevin Loch, died last year, so these websites will be shut down in April 2025.
Looks like nih.gov fixed their NS and they allow UDP queries again. The NS records appear to have gained #IPv6 addresses in the process.
Okay I'm stumped.
Devices on the secondary subnet behind a router are completely fine accessing devices in the primary subnet over IPv4.
ICMP6 to the primary subnet even works fine, but IPv6 simply does not return. I can `tcpdump` see the packets landing on the destination machine and even being returned out the correct interface but they never arrive at the originating machine in the second subnet. `pwru` also turns up nothing returning from requests.
It can't be the secondary router's routing table cause the ICMP6 *works*, right?!
@UnderEu I'm curious how this will work out. Does it only do that when CLAT is active? Does it rely on the distribution to not have any programs around that use the v4 APIs?
Or can I get a popup every time CLAT is used, saying "I just saved us both from the embarrassment of not being as #IPv6|-mostly as we all want it to be, but please patch that program or stop using it"?