So, anyone else going to OFFDEM in Brussels next month?
I’m going to hold a little Kitten* workshop and take part in the roundtables on the Saturday. Looking forward to seeing some of you there.
Just to clarify, I’m not going to #FOSDEM2023, I’m going to #OFFDEM.
I don’t attend, speak at, or legitimise so-called “free software” (or “human rights”, etc.) conferences that let surveillance capitalists like Google launder their reputations by sponsoring them. I’m only taking part in OFFDEM, which was created in reaction to #FOSDEM’s lack of principles and ethical backbone.
@aral I'm confused by the OFFDEM website, hoping you might know this. do regular participants need to sign up anywhere or is that only for people who want to speak?
@potatoes_fall As far as I understand, everyone contributes in one way or another (the focus isn’t on conference-style presentations – although I will be doing a short workshop on Kitten in a breakout room – but a general assembly and round-table discussions, which I very much look forward to taking part in). So think more unconference/barcamp than mainstream conference. I’m sure can explain it better.