Tyranny has taken over most of the world ... not the old-fashion kind of national dictators ... the neo-tyrants are the CEOs of Big Tech ... their stealthy algorithms took over the world without a shot being fired ... and we never even saw it coming.
@GeraldKutney Some of us saw it coming but we were labeled “tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists.” And those who had legitimacy in the industry but benefitted financially from the system circled the wagons to protect their pay cheques and keep the favour of their lords and ladies in the court of Big Tech. There was never a need for conspiracy. It was always just their business model. It was never rocket science. You just had to follow the money.
@aral @GeraldKutney I think we can fight back to a degree, by knowing where the money is and directing it where it most benefits us. Partaking in the Fediverse instead of Big Social looks good, and I would also favor anything based on pay-per-use instead of periodic subscription because that's where we waste the most money.
Also, "algorithmically recommended content" has gone way too far: I can clearly see more recommendations of controversial rather than actually interesting content.