Google setting the standards for the web is like a fox setting the standards for chicken coops.
@aral It's a small thing, but it caught my attention that this is under the repo of an individual contributor, not an "official" google account.
Shameful? I think so.
@chrisg Yeah, they probably want it to look more grassroots or some other optics bs. Four Googlers on the authors; entirely aligned with Google’s business model, something tells me this isn’t a personal project :)
PS. My favourite issue so far:
@aral @chrisg heads up that in standards circles this is pretty average behavior (repos starting at the contributor level) for a bunch of reasons: it usually moves into a standards org quickly, it's hard to put things public on org accounts for legal reasons, & engineers often are judged on public github activity during job searches.
Yeah, ok, that's probably true. It's a small part of the whole story anyway, but it's fair to point out that it isn't necessarily nefarious.
@chrisg (Unlike the entirety of the proposal itself.)