JSDB 5.0.0 published
• Custom classes must have a `constructor` that accepts a parameter object as its only argument. Constructors are run during deserialisation.
• Custom classes can now safely extend other classes (e.g., `EventEmitter`).
• Properties that begin with an underscore (`_`) are treated as private and ignored.
• Objects with null prototypes are supported. i.e., objects created with `Object.create(null, …)`.
Full details: https://codeberg.org/small-tech/jsdb#migrating-from-earlier-versions-of-jsdf
JSDB 5.0.1 published
• Fixes #14: Crash if DataProxy getHandler() called on object with null prototype. (https://codeberg.org/small-tech/jsdb/issues/14)
To install update:
npm install @small-tech/jsdb@5.0.1
Learn more about JSDB:
#JavaScriptDatabase #JavaScript #database JSDB #JSDB5 #NodeJS #SmallTech #SmallWeb #web #dev
JSDB 5.1.0 published¹
• Forgetting to pass a custom class that’s persisted in your database in your `JSDB.open()` call now throws instead of corrupting your database by falling back to using an untyped object.
• Added JSDF ver. 2 to 3 database migration script (i.e., JSDB version 2-4 to 5)²
To install update:
npm install @small-tech/jsdb@5.1.0
¹ https://codeberg.org/small-tech/jsdb/releases
² https://codeberg.org/small-tech/jsdb#version-2-to-3
#JavaScriptDatabase #JavaScript #database JSDB #JSDB5 #NodeJS #SmallTech #SmallWeb #web #dev