@ferreiros May I just say that I love the hashtag in your bio. Welcome to the fediverse! :)
@aral @ferreiros Hi there. Agreed. I love this too.
#peopleNOTusers should become trending. I also like #PeopleNotProfit
@MarkusEicher #PeopleNotProfit is a great one too! We have a long way to go here
@aral I have discovered the concept just here in Mastodon and I loved it. And I feel a little bit sad as well. It should be obvious to us designers. Until this moment, I'm working on being a PX/PI Designer instead of an UX/UI one
Thank you very much!
@ferreiros And, interestingly, human experience and human interface were already being used too. But yeah, here’s to a day when folks can just call themselves designers and it’s taken for granted that they design for people :)