Anyone else having trouble with npm at the moment? (npm install stuck at the “idealTree buildDeps” stage)
Edit: Solved. (Please see thread. No need to reply.) :)
Right, found the issue: I changed routers yesterday and it seems the one provided by Eir isn’t handling IPv6 properly (?) Anyway, turning IPv6 off for the Ethernet connection has fixed the issue for now. But, oddly, now I’m seeing “npm notice Beginning October 4, 2021, all connections to the npm registry - including for package installation - must use TLS 1.2 or higher. You are currently using plaintext http to connect” when I run npm install.
Going to look into why that is next.
PS. I just set the IPv6 option in GNOME Settings → Network → PCI Ethernet (I’m using a wired connection on my desktop) → Gear icon → IPv6 → IPv6 Method back to Automatic (and flipped the on/off switch to restart the network) and npm install is still working.
So disabling/re-enabling IPv6 is something to try if you switch routers and you find that npm install is getting stuck at the “idealTree buildDeps” stage.