It is no coincidence that the points in our lives where we grow the most are also moments of total vulnerability. They can be trauma or joy, wonder or loss, but in those instants we shed our skin and start anew. /1
Kissing a girl on a sofa. Holding my eldest child for the first time. Admitting to myself that I had to transition. Accepting that a business we had run for 15 years just wasn’t going to make it. Coming out to my parents and being rejected. Coming out to the world and receiving so much joy. Living. Growing.
Each time a leap of faith. Each moment held in a breath, and then, exhale, move on, this is who we are now.
As trans people, we grow our skins so thick. Armor to protect the tiny seed within. The final shedding of that armor, the last time we hide, that’s the hardest, most vulnerable moment of all. And yet, when the skin grows back soft, when we finally stand and look the world in the eye… what a moment that is. /3