I published my first nonfiction book 13 years ago.
Today, for the first time, and for the rest of my life, I am a published novelist.
Dreams do come true.
@aram Congrats :) Where can we find it?
@aral Thanks, Aral! You can find A SECOND CHANCE FOR YESTERDAY wherever fine books are purveyed. https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/A-Second-Chance-for-Yesterday/R-A-Sinn/9781786188274
@aram Ordered :)
Will start on it once I’m done reading R. F. Kuang’s final book in The Poppy War trilogy (in case you haven’t had a chance to read her, Rebecca’s work is captivating. I’d definitely start with Babel but you can’t go wrong with The Poppy War or Yellowface either). She was recently over in Dublin for her book tour and seems like a lovely person too (from what little we got to chat).
PS. Love that you wrote it with your sister :)
@aral Thank you! We're proud to be in such good company. Enjoy.