@altlife You calling me old? :P
(Seriously though, I so miss proper mango. Grew up in Malaysia; had a tree in the backyard. Mmm…) :)
@aral No I meant the mangoes are ripe because it's still a month to go before they become ready.
@aral Yes I was also pleasantly surprised to find one. Oddly enough, I've never used it before and now I'll make good use of
What a worthy cause to be blamed for. I accept it gladly. I'll send you some once the season comes. (Shipping not included with the present
@altlife Might hold you to that :) Definitely pop a few in your bag if you’re ever over for a visit :)
@aral I committed just for shipping
@altlife Fair enough :) *sad mango face*
It does sound like you’re doing quite a bit already
@aral aiyo. Not enough. :)