@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19
Alarmingly BIG increases in "COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian residential aged care facilities: 13 Mar 2025".
As always Denis, thanks to you for compiling/extracting/sharing.
@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19
Alarmingly BIG increases in "COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian residential aged care facilities: 13 Mar 2025".
As always Denis, thanks to you for compiling/extracting/sharing.
"The act of forgetting has always been a tool of oppression. We cannot adequately resist that which has been revised, erased, or forgotten by our community members. But few will acknowledge that this is happening with COVID. Just as one may utter that “slavery was back then, get over it”, when we use verbiage like “post-pandemic” we are rendering oppression as a static past event rather than an ever-evolving present that shapes our shared future. This tactic has always been useful to those who wish to profit off of our suffering and the cycle will continue to repeat if we do not acknowledge and act on the truth of our current reality. If we do not reckon with our failures to each other around COVID and do the work to remedy it, are we better than those who try to ban our people’s histories’ from the schools? We aid in the crusade to forget every day when we do not consider the pandemic as both current and deadly."
~V. Copeland
"Through it all, governments and media grasped for any explanation that did not feature the collapse of public health and introduction of a novel virus that harms immune systems."
I’m strong but self assurance is mostly a front. My anxiety makes me hyper aware, & I soothe anxiety by consuming information, preferring to confront bad news head on, even if it’s terrifying. According to Mum, I was most stubborn child that was ever born. #COVIDisntover #wearamask
AUSTRALIA weekly COVID update: 7 March 2025
Taking up the gun (community defense) is similar to masking (N95) in that once you realize the utility and significance of doing so, it can be hard to accept an argument towards putting them down.
Is the threat gone..? No..?
Carry on, then.
AUSTRALIA weekly COVID update: 28 Feb 2025
#COVID19Australia #COVIDisntOVER #COVIDisAIRBORNE @auscovid19
How did you use your privilege today? How are you planning to leverage it tomorrow? It's a cold hard rain pummeling us; maybe think about sharing your umbrella with someone who doesn't have one.
if you want to build community in order to fight fascism
wear a mask, make events masked-only
otherwise, you'll be 'building community' with people who are making exceptions to who is in the community
and endangering everyone you try to build community with
don't let Covid-denial prevent the global response to fascism
Covid-Safe Scout Mastery Badge No.8
Prepared for Isolation/Infection
This recipient has a game plan to protect their household from Covid spread, with designated isolation spaces and medication and shelf-stable supplies on hand.
Wanna earn this badge?
Use these links to stock up on supplies and make a plan for keeping yourself and loved ones from spreading Covid during an infection. People’s CDC - What to Do if You Have Covid: https://peoplescdc.org/2023/01/10/what-to-do-if-you-have-covid/
Clean Air Crew - Someone in My Home Has Covid. How Do We Isolate Safely?: https://cleanaircrew.org/someone-in-my-home-has-covid-how-do-we-isolate-safely/
Violet Blue - What’s in Your Covid Emergency Kit?: https://www.patreon.com/posts/whats-in-your-110263473?post_id=110263473&utm_id=4edd1c9f-ed8d-47ff-86f6-6051742e3d1a
It’s Airborne - Your Guide to Stopping Covid in Your Home: https://itsairborne.com/your-guide-to-stopping-covid-in-your-home-bbf8bf4fa816
Monkeys on Typewriters - What to Do If You Get Covid: https://typingmonkeys.substack.com/p/what-to-do-if-you-get-covid
Clean Air Club - My Covid+ Plan: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z7xnDd5952zvYnCQoWDi8PyRNdObJY2chGChOZ8E38w/edit
• Find more useful resources to prepare your isolation/infection recovery kit: https://covidsafescouts.com/assessment.html#preparedness
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• Share this post and/or your badge on your favourite socials
• Reply with #CovidSafeScouts to share your isolation plan or what’s in your care kit (supplies on hand in case of illness)
• Collect all the Covid-Safe Scout badges: https://covidsafescouts.com/badges.html
Covid-Safe Scout Mastery Badge No.7
Qualitative Fit Testing Masks/Respirators
This recipient takes time and care to put their disposable and reusable respirators through qualitative fit testing using a hood and nebulizers filled with bitter or sweet solutions to gauge fit efficacy.
Wanna earn this badge?
Use these links to learn about the fit testing process, how to use the kit, and how to DIY a fit test kit for at-home use Allegro Industries - Bitter & Sweet Test Kits (Instructional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C89eHTicEak
Still Coviding - DIY Fit Test Info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A6_9UIQnAq-3yh-2uiC-NHHuS5ZNaiq0J6_iNVS-aYE/edit
Mathburritos.org - DIY Fit Testing Kit: https://mathburritos.org/fit-test-kit-v1/
CDC - User Seal Check (no equipment needed): https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2018-130/pdfs/2018-130.pdf
• Find more useful resources about fit testing respirators: https://www.covidsafescouts.com/research.html#maskresources
Already a seasoned Precautionista?
• Save the badge PNG to your device.
• Share this post and/or your badge on your favourite socials
• Reply with #CovidSafeScouts to share tips and hacks for doing at home qualitative fit tests
• Collect all the Covid-Safe Scout badges: https://covidsafescouts.com/badges.html
@ShaulaEvans @lonelinesscorps Still working: chalk art on my front walk (since March 2020 weather permitting), and writing Wikipedia articles. The first year or so, a daily morning walk in my neighborhood was crucial; but it turns out my neighborhood is kinda boring and now I'm really unmotivated to see it daily. New thing in the past year: handsewing quilts, to make gifts from a houseful of clothes I won't wear again. #covidisntover
Covid-Safe Scout Mastery Badge No.6
Living with Long Covid
This recipient is living with physical complications resulting from a Covid infection. Long Covid is a broad umbrella term for more than 200 symptoms and conditions that can be brought about by one or more Covid infections.
Have you earned this badge?
Here are some resources to help you cope, find support and treatments, and advocate for your needs "Take a Look Inside My Long Covid Body" - experimental body scan at UCSF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPwXRZFhGOM
Long Covid The Answers - Long Covid Symptoms: https://longcovidtheanswers.com/category/long-covid-symptoms/
Long Covid Research curated by Long Covid Families: https://airtable.com/appoRHy3W8VNZWUhN/shrgqkzQGoweB0FsF/tblZALivRG7ZB807d/viwrLaqsQC7wL88mf
Long Covid Resource Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15LHdOt-f6e7O5LWWAeNnh-zZ2YRW_EzrbSQKJBPnkvY/edit#heading=h.w4q97o6a06gs
Guide to Long Covid - Documenting Your Health: https://guidetolongcovid.com/documenting-your-health/
• Find more useful resources for Long Covid: https://www.covidsafescouts.com/research.html#lcadvocacy
Already a seasoned Precautionista?
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• Share this post and/or your badge on your favourite socials
• Reply with #CovidSafeScouts to share your experience with getting diagnoses and navigating healthcare, how it’s changed quality of life
• Collect all the Covid-Safe Scout badges: https://covidsafescouts.com/badges.html
Covid-Safe Scout Mastery Badge No.5
Travelling with Precautions
This recipient carries an abundance of caution in convenient travel-size packages, using a combination of portable air purifiers and CPC mouthwash/antiviral nasal spray while wearing an N95 respirator or better at all times and self-quarantining after travel when possible.
Wanna earn this badge?
Use these links to learn about how to travel safer—whether across town, across the country, or around the world—and protect yourself (and others) from spreading viruses Avoid Plague - Avoiding Covid While Travelling: https://avoid-plague.info/goodies/covid-travel-guide/covid-travel-guide%20-%202024-08-12.pdf
It’s Airborne - Reducing Covid in a Hotel: https://itsairborne.com/reducing-covid-risk-in-a-hotel-apartments-too-63569e2d3108
Covid Prevention Resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y7lA6QT7yNTqmaUuMLDJE0gvQ4Od2cFjuGOtnOyvRAU/edit#heading=h.id5ljbmeki2t
How to Avoid Catching Covid While Flying: https://www.cntraveler.com/story/covid-prevention-on-flights
• Find more useful resources for assessing risks and preparing to travel: https://covidsafescouts.com/assessment.html
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• Share this post and/or your badge on your favourite socials
• Reply with #CovidSafeScouts to share your travel tips
• Collect all the Covid-Safe Scout badges: https://covidsafescouts.com/badges.html
Covid-Safe Scout Mastery Badge No.4
Maintaining Personal Boundaries to Prevent (Re)Infection
This recipient has assessed their own health risk and established boundaries to reduce chances of Covid exposure, refusing to compromise their personal health for social expectations.
Wanna earn this badge?
Use these links to help you establish your Covid-safe boundaries with loved ones Covid Tips - How to Talk to Your Loved Ones About Covid: https://covid.tips/
Covid Resilience - Advanced Covid FAQ: https://www.covidresilience.org/advanced-covid-faq
Covid For Therapists - What Therapists Need to Know: Covid-19 in 2024: https://covid-for-therapists.my.canva.site/
Olivia Belknap Therapy - Covid Resources: https://www.oliviabelknaptherapy.com/covid-resources
Essays You Didn't Want to Read - …Now What Are We Supposed to Do? Part II: Boundaries (You Do You, & Be the Change You Wish to See): https://essaysyoudidntwanttoread.home.blog/2022/11/05/now-what-are-we-supposed-to-do-part-ii-boundaries-you-do-you-be-the-change-you-wish-to-see/
• Find more useful resources for navigating relationships and personal well-being while maintaining Covid consciousness: https://covidsafescouts.com/community.html#wellbeing
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• Share this post and/or your badge on your favourite socials
• Reply with #CovidSafeScouts to discuss establishing boundaries with the Covid-careless and refusing to cave to peer pressure
• Collect all the Covid-Safe Scout badges: https://covidsafescouts.com/badges.html